
Marketplace is open now.


Here you can see all the domain names listed by holders.

List and sell names

We add the button 'List' on each CNS name in 'My Account'.

Now we take an example on listing my 'helloworld.core' for 20 $Core.

Pressing confirm and approve the rights.

Now we can see our list on the marketplace.

By clicking 'View My List' we can see the details and cancel listing.

If someone buys my 'helloworld.core', I can find it out in 'View my list'. $Core will be transferred into my wallet directly.

Buy a Name

Now we try to buy a name. Click button 'Buy' and then pay the $CORE.

See details and status in 'View my List'.

Wait for on-chain operation and when it is success, we can see the status changed and check it on My Account.

That's all.

  • Free List

  • NO Deposit

  • $Core & Names were transferred into wallet directly when deal was made

Last updated